DIY Dolphin Costume with Free Downloadable Pattern

DIY Dolphin Costume with Free Downloadable Pattern

DIY Dolphin Costume with Free Downloadable Pattern I recently had a reader say about this DIY Dolphin Costume, “You’re lucky you can sew!” I had to laugh because I think I fall into the “I have no idea how to sew” category myself....
Oh So Good Chimichurri Sauce

Oh So Good Chimichurri Sauce

My favorite recipes are ones that use very few ingredients, take very little effort, but taste like you did a lot of work.  This Chimichurri Sauce is one of those recipes that tastes time consuming, but could not be easier to make. You will be putting it on everything...
Delicious White Wine Sangria No Sugar Added with Amaretto

Delicious White Wine Sangria No Sugar Added with Amaretto

Delicious White Wine Sangria No Sugar Added with Amaretto I cannot say enough good things about this Sangria recipe. It is so delicious and so easy to throw together, for any occasion, in any season. You can use whatever fruit you have on hand as long as you keep the...
BEing with Uncomfortable Feelings

BEing with Uncomfortable Feelings

On our way out the door for the last day of preschool, my four-year old started crying and saying that he did not want there to be a last day. He apparently loved school so much he thought he could keep it from ending if he refused to go. I had no idea what to do....
Without Focus I Fall

Without Focus I Fall

I seem to get a lot of metaphors for life from doing yoga. I have been noticing lately that when I am holding a balance pose (especially if standing on one leg), if my thoughts creep in and I lose focus, I fall out of the pose. Some days I run in after a hectic...
To Pee or Not to Pee?

To Pee or Not to Pee?

Our latest trip to Mammoth Lakes, has me wondering at what age, if any, are you too old to pee behind a bush? This question may be different for men than it is for women. For men, peeing in the woods is easy and does not require their naked bottom hanging out for the...
Clepto Roommate? Wait…What?

Clepto Roommate? Wait…What?

I was thinking about how what seems normal in your teens and early twenties, is a little far-fetched later in life. Especially when it comes to roommates. When I was nineteen my first roommate situation wasn’t working out and I had to find a new place and fast....
Turtle Costume DIY – Barely Any Sewing

Turtle Costume DIY – Barely Any Sewing

Turtle Costume DIY – Barely Any Sewing Last year when my son told me he wanted to be a Sea Turtle for Halloween, my first thought was, “I can’t make that!” We looked online and at stores for other ideas but he didn’t see anything else he liked. Since I was able...
DIY Jake and the Never Land Pirates Costume

DIY Jake and the Never Land Pirates Costume

For the past two Halloweens, my five year old has asked for costumes that I could not find in a store or online.  When he asked to be Jake, from “Jake and the Never Land Pirates,” I spent countless hours searching before I finally decided that if I spent the same...
Who Wrote This? I Suspect the Kids…

Who Wrote This? I Suspect the Kids…

I have been seeing this quote all over Pinterest about how good Moms have sticky floors, messy kitchens and happy kids. At first I thought it was a cute saying, but after a month of both kids home everyday for summer–I think it was written by the kids! Lately it...
Simple Iron On T-Shirts

Simple Iron On T-Shirts

As I have said before (and I am sure I will again), my five year old is a complicated kid. He was invited to a birthday party with a superhero theme. The kids were asked to wear their favorite superhero costume or shirt and he would not even consider wearing a...
We Sure Have More Grown Up Problems Than We Used To!

We Sure Have More Grown Up Problems Than We Used To!

Yesterday I hosted a play date. Not exactly a play date, it was more of a goodbye party for our friend moving out of state. I met these four women 10 years ago at work. Since then, the company downsized but we all stayed friends. We worked together during several life...


My yoga teacher said you have to make sure that you do not carry around burdens in life like rocks in a backpack. He said that each one of us knows exactly which burden is the one we are carrying. When I heard this I immediately knew that for me this is the loss of my...
When I’m 90, I Might Need a Pedicure

When I’m 90, I Might Need a Pedicure

I had the unexpected treat of not only being able to get a pedicure, but in the middle of the afternoon, on a weekday! It was relatively quiet and I could relax and people watch (which I love to do). As my feet were soaking, I saw an elderly couple come in. I am...
DIY Espresso Stain Table Makeover

DIY Espresso Stain Table Makeover

Transforming a worn-out old table is easy and well worth the time. I had considered buying a new dining room set until I priced them! With two small children, it seemed a much better choice to rescue the one we had and wait until they are older to decide if we want...
“I Can’t Wait All Minute!”

“I Can’t Wait All Minute!”

I have been taking the same Tuesday morning yoga class with the same teacher for over two and a half years now. I love the class and it has quite the following. The instructor also teaches a spin class right before it so he runs about two minutes late and then it goes...
The Not-So-Lazy River

The Not-So-Lazy River

When my husband and I were in Las Vegas recently for our wedding anniversary, what we wanted most was a day by the pool. We picked Mandalay Bay because we heard it had a good pool and it turned out to be true. In the morning we laid out on lounge chairs and floated in...
Can We Raise Our Kids “Gratefully?”

Can We Raise Our Kids “Gratefully?”

A few weeks ago we took the kids whale watching. The boat had barely pulled out of the dock and the boys were so animated pointing to all the things they could see. “Look a buoy!” “Look a pelican!” They were just so excited to be on a boat and see anything. This man...
I Prefer a Dull Moment

I Prefer a Dull Moment

That expression “Never a Dull Moment” certainly seems to apply to my life over the past several years. My husband travels frequently for work and it seems like if something can go wrong while he is away–it does! Yesterday he was in Connecticut and his flight was...
Sometimes a Snowflake is More than Just a Snowflake

Sometimes a Snowflake is More than Just a Snowflake

My five year old kept asking me to make snowflakes to hang from our curtain rod over our kitchen window. After a year we still do not have curtains there and it does look bare. I kept putting it off. Finally, we had lunch, I put my little one down for his nap and I...