How a Psychic Medium Can Help with Grief

How a Psychic Medium Can Help with Grief

Almost six years ago, my sister and I were having conversations about whether or not our straight-laced Mom could have taken up smoking pot. She was mentally sharp one minute and completely confused the next. She would call at 2:00 a.m. to talk as if it was 2:00 in...
To Pee or Not to Pee?

To Pee or Not to Pee?

Our latest trip to Mammoth Lakes, has me wondering at what age, if any, are you too old to pee behind a bush? This question may be different for men than it is for women. For men, peeing in the woods is easy and does not require their naked bottom hanging out for the...
Who Wrote This? I Suspect the Kids…

Who Wrote This? I Suspect the Kids…

I have been seeing this quote all over Pinterest about how good Moms have sticky floors, messy kitchens and happy kids. At first I thought it was a cute saying, but after a month of both kids home everyday for summer–I think it was written by the kids! Lately it...